Cake Cake

Chocolate soufflé

Dark and intense in flavour, yet with a light and custardy texture.


Group Weight / Volume
Soufflé Arabesque 1.000 g
Arabesque Dark 60% (melted) 450 g
Sunflower oil 350 g
Water (cool) 600 g


Pastry blender:
Use the flat beater of a pastry blend er to mix all the ingredients (apart from the Soufflé Arabesque) at low speed for 1 minute. You can also perform this step by hand.
Add the Soufflé Arabesque and mix at medium speed for 3 4 minutes until all the ingredients are well blended.
Pour the mixture into 120-140 g molds.
Bake at 185185°C for 9 10 minutes (fan oven) or at 21 00°C for 9 10 minutes (deck oven).
By hand:
If you do not have melted chocolate, add the Arabesque Dark 60% chocolate to hot water (recipe’s water amount at 65 65°C), mix until melted, add the rest of the ingredients and continue mixing until you get a homogeneous mixture.
Continue as mentioned above (pastry blender procedure).

Chocolate soufflé