Cake Cake

Christmas brownies


Group Weight / Volume Product
Red Forest Fruit Cake 1.000 g base
Margarine Princess 290 g base
Water 60 g base
Eggs 100 g base
Hazelnuts 200 g base
Arabesque White 30% 100 g base
Fruitful Strawberry 1.000 g coulis
Water 100 g coulis
Gelatin 4 τμχ coulis
Water 500 g cream
Minuta Ivoire 200 g cream
Fruitful Strawberry/ Blueberry/ Raspberry 350 g cream
Roma Top (whip) 250 g cream
Inverted sugar syrup 350 g glaze
Casa Cream 30% 160 g glaze
Gelatin 4 pcs glaze
Arabesque White 30% 350 g glaze
Paletta Cold Gel 100 g glaze
Fruitful Strawberry/ Blueberry/ Raspberry 100 g glaze



Mix all the ingredients, apart from the hazelnuts and the chocolate, with the flat beater at the medium speed for 3 minutes.

Add the hazelnuts and the chopped chocolate and mix.

Pour in a baking sheet of 30×40cm and bake at 170°C for 21 minutes.

Stawberry coulis

Heat the Fruitful Strawberry and the water in a microwave. After softening the gelatin in cold water, homogenize it in the hot fruit mixture. Serve in a pan and place in the freezer. Cut into cubes.


Mix the water with the Minuta for 3 minutes on the high speed. Add the Fruitful and mix with a mariz. When the fruit is well homogenized, fluff with the whipped cream.


Heat the Inverted Sugar Syrup, with the Casa Cream in the microwave up to 60°C. Homogenize the gelatin and then together with the chocolate. Add Palette Cold Jell and Fruitful.

Christmas brownies


Red Forest Fruit Cake

Mix in powder form for the preparation of homemade taste cakes with cocoa and forest fruit aroma.