News News

Tree Planting
Certificate for
Sefco Zeelandia

We are pleased to announce the Tree Planting Certificate that we received from the non-profit, environmental, and humanitarian organization we4all, for utilizing the services of Bold Logistics.

To serve our customers in the center of Athens, where our trucks cannot access due to limited space, we collaborate with the company BOLD. BOLD is an innovative "green" transportation company with 100% electric vehicles, which are exclusively charged by renewable energy sources. In an effort to heal our planet, BOLD, in collaboration with we4all, undertook a tree planting initiative on behalf of Sefco Zeelandia.

This initiative reflects our shared commitment to reducing our ecological footprint and promoting sustainable development, strengthening our community, and the environment in which we live and work. We are proud of our partnership with BOLD and look forward to more joint initiatives for a more sustainable future.

Tree Planting Certificate for Sefco Zeelandia